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I am new here

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 12:25 pm
by fishsmoker
Hi everyone,

fishsmoker is a German Stirling beginner and just made my first 2 very basic stirlings run.

My next project will be a lamina flow, because I cannot believe that something that simple really moves.

I have entered this forum quite a bit to take a lot of ideas, so it is only fair to register now.

And I would like to start with a first qustion:

my little candy-can-stirling runs with about 120 rpm, but I cannot accelerate it. Is the speed given by the time the air needs to warm up and cool down and therefore by the volume of air inside the engine?

Varying stroke of piston and displacer only caused it to stop, but not to accelerate. So did variation of flywheel weight.

I hope my English is understandable.