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Re: Funny Stirling Engines!!

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 12:06 am
by vamoose
'Knock Knock'

Re: Funny Stirling Engines!!

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 4:41 am
by Ian S C
Loose bearings, or no clearance for the displacer! Hi Vamoose. Ian S C

Re: Funny Stirling Engines!!

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 5:01 am
by vamoose
In essence, you beat me to the punch line Ian...
But still the threat prevails. I've been accumulating Stirling engine 'knock knock' jokes, and will use them if necessary.

Re: Funny Stirling Engines!!

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 6:29 pm
by vamoose
Knock Knock

Who's There?


Boo Who?

Dry your eyes mate, I’m sure you'll get your Stirling engine running.... eventually.


Knock Knock

Who's There?

I. Carnot

I. Carnot who?

I Carnot decide Which type of Stirling design is best.....


Knock Knock

Who's There?

R. Alpha

R. Alpha who?

Are Alpha engines Beta than Gamma engines.....



Re: Funny Stirling Engines!!

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 3:45 pm
by vamoose
A group of gases had collected together at the Air pavilion for a Stirling engine convention, to state their case for being used as a working gas in a Stirling engine. Hydrogen was the first to rise up and proclaim its superior attributes. Helium wasn't far behind and said that at the core of the matter he is twice the gas that hydrogen could ever be.
'Ha.. don’t make me laugh' proclaims Nitrous Oxide.
Anyway, A group of hydrocarbons try to make their case but Supercritical fluid cuts them down and says that they and their ideas stink. Its not us that stinks, they proclaim, but that stigma follow us everywhere we go.
Argon steps up trying to be noble by suggesting that they all have abilities that they could periodically bring to the table, so should try and combine together on this project.
To which supercritical fluid replies; Well Hydrogen doesn't tend to stick around, so has commitment issues, and when he and oxygen are under pressure things tend to become explosive,
to which oxygen meekly replies, Unfortunately I tend to have that affect on a some gases.
Anyway after alot of heated exchanges by a multitude of different gases, and after most everyone had dissipated, Air was still hanging around, taking in the atmosphere, so got the job by default because it was free and avaliable...


Re: Funny Stirling Engines!!

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 5:14 am
by vamoose
fullofhotair wrote:
I thought Id seen some crazy looking stirlings before ,but this has one has to take the prize. It looks like an animated scrap wood pile. Poor guy had to disable the comments, people were giving him such a bad time.

Thought this belonged in the Funny Stirling Engine thread fullofhotair, hope you dont mind me stealing it...


Re: Funny Stirling Engines!!

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 9:29 am
by fullofhotair
Vamoose ,
I love your stirling engine jokes. Some more than others. I thought the one about gases was hilarious. I wish people would post more funny pics and videos. What other engine can you make out of balloons, pop can ,coat hangers or a scrap wood pile? Maybe we need Redbull to sponsor the funniest working stirling engine and the funniest joke.

Re: Funny Stirling Engines!!

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 11:39 pm
by vamoose
Yep, some of the jokes came out ok. While others seem a little lame, but, i guess, so is my sense of humor :wink: .

I'm sure there are more convoluted gizmos out there yet to be found that would be right at home on this thread, so will have to keep an eye out.

If someone made a tin can engine with both Coke and Pepsi cans working together then that would give me a chuckle.

Also maybe someone could make an 'Alpha' engine from Redbull cans with one piston called Vettel and the other named Webber.
I'm not sure if this engine would work in the long run,
and which one would be the hot end and also cold end???
They would both want to be the power piston.....
Which side would have the most dead space,
and which one would make the most noise,
which side would break down more than the other,
which one would be better connected to the hub...
(anyway, i could rattle on like a Ferrari for 'maybe' a few more laps on this theme)

Re: Funny Stirling Engines!!

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 4:19 am
by Ian S C
Ferrari make good tractors, they should stick to what they make good ones of. Ian S C